This backyard was designed by Giuseppe Abbrancati and installed by the Gappsi team. The gunite swimming pool has a rectangular shell with a bench on the long side of the pool, a sundeck with a bubbler, steps, and a spa. Spillover water bowls also function as fire features. The swimming pool is 8 feet deep, and includes a diving board and a safety auto cover. The backyard is elegant, functional, and simple. The Fiorito travertine patio for the fire pit area, the pavilion floor, and the pool patio area were bordered with blue stone strips to match the swimming pool coping. The pavilion was built by Gappsi and was designed to match the house style and details. The outdoor kitchen was built with Wolf cabinets and Twin Eagle appliances, and it was veneered with Fiorito travertine to match the pillars that hold the fire bowls and the fire-pit. Blue stone stepping stones were used as a walkway to connect the backyard doors and patio to the front yard. Contact Gappsi to design and build your next home improvement project at 631-543-1177
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Pavingstone Design and installation Farmingdale Long Island NY
Award Presented To: Gappsi, Inc
Breathtaking, multilevel water fountain and 4000 square feet of exquisite details of paving stones walkways add vibrancy to the entrance of this senior citizen residence complex. Color of paving stones blend in with the natural rocks of the water fountain. The paving stones layout incorporate the original design of a cluster of berries and a vine with leaves that flow throughout the walkway surrounding the water fountain. Paving stones were installed on 1 in. grated sand over 9 in. of recycled concrete base. Gappsi Edge Restraint system was used to secure the walkway border.
Award Winning Masonry Design and Construction Farmingdale Long Island NY
Nassau county Long island NY Paving Stone Cleaning and Sealing Company
Cleaning and sealing limestone driveway pavers in Roslyn NY. Stones were pressure washed and joints filled with polymeric sand, vibrated wit rolling vibratory plates. Gappsi Exclusive sealer was applied to expose the color and details of the limestone pavers surface.
Nassau County Long Island NY Stone Patios and Driveways Cleaning and Sealing Company
Melfi Lime Stone Pavers
The Melfi limestone it’s an Indian limestone mostly produced with a natural finished top and tumbled . This finish exposes many natural rustic details on the pavers face. Color varie from shades of brown, green, beige and grays . Pavers are cut in multi sizes pattern and coping are manufactured with natural rock face.
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