Freeform Gunite Swimming Pool, Massapequa NY 11758, by Gappsi

Freeform Gunite Swimming Pool, Massapequa NY 11758, by GappsiThis 16’x32′ freeform gunite swimming pool custom constructed in Massapequa NY. The pool shell consists of 10″ concrete walls and an 8″ concrete floor. The pool was shot with gunite cement, over 6″ of over sized gravel base, 12 inches on center, 1/2” rebar metal cage and 6″ apart center rods in any areas that the pool is deeper than 48”. All plumbing is done with 2″ hard PVC schedule 40 piping. All of the equipment is Hayward including 400,000 BTU gas heater, a salt chlorine generator, ozone system, pumps, and cartridge filter. The pool is 46″ to 66″ deep which makes it a non-diving pool. In the deep end of the pool, there is a bench with special jets through which air and water are pushed at a higher speed to create a spa effect. Porcelain pool tiles were installed at the water line; the finish of the pool is cool blue diamond bright quartz. The steps and benches were highlighted with diamond shaped 2”x2” tiles. The coping patio and raised patio wall were created with Nicolock products. 6”x12″ bullnose, ridge stone patio pavers with brown inlays and mini colonial walls and caps are all in travertine color. From design concept to finish execution Gappsi provides Nicolock pavers supply/installation, gunite swimming pools, and landscaping. For more information about design and installation in Massapequa NY, visit or call us at 631-543-1177 for a free estimate.

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