This Gunite swimming pool was built in 1960 and it lasted for about 60 years, in the last 4 years for some strange reason the pool shel started developing some cracks and got worse every year to the point that the pool totally cracked in half and started licking badly to the point of not being repareble. The cost of replacing this gunite swimming pool would have been tremendous and the clients had no budget for that. Not only the cost of redoing the pool but also the cost of removing the old pool and all the damage that would have accrued to the yard and the landscaping , irrigation fence and the entire patio would have needed to be replaced. We proposed to remodel the pool and reshape the inside to accommodate a custom vinyl liner, we added a sundeck with 12 inches of water and reshape the pool deep end to make it more with straight ankles instead of a bowl shape that it’s usually a gunite. This gunite swimming pool conversion came out very nice. We used a liner with a pattern of a terrazzo looking finish that makes the pool look like it’s a gunite pool with no border at the top. When doing a Gunite To Vinyl Conversion it’s expected that the liner might show some imperfections or some minor wrincles, the clients has to understand that a vinyl pool construction is built with angles a gunite pool is more rounded shaped inside, and the liners are a little more difficult to be measured.